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Low Code Engineer/Programmer Analyst
United States
| Full-time
| Fully remote
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Application Form
Apply with Linkedin
Legal First Name *
Legal Last Name *
Optional: Preferred First Name
Optional: Preferred pronoun(s)
Email *
Phone *
Full Street Address *
Unit Number (if applicable)
City, State and Zip Code *
Are you available to work remotely in the US from the hours of 8am to 5pm or 9am to 6pm Eastern Time? *
Yes, I can work remotely in the US during those business hours
No, I am not available to consistently work during those business hours
Do you currently or will you in the future require sponsorship? *
No, I will not need any sponsorship.
Yes, I will require sponsorship.
What is your desired compensation for a role like this? (numerical response) *
Were you referred by a SSG Employee? (If yes, please list name below) *
Tell us about any education and/or certifications that you have related to this role. *
If you list a degree on your resume, please confirm that it was completed. If incomplete, please indicate how soon you plan on completing it. If you do not have a degree listed, please select "I do not have a degree listed on my resume." *
I do not have a degree listed on my resume.
Yes, I confirm that I have completed the degree(s) listed on my resume.
The degree listed on my resume is not complete and I plan on completing it within the next year.
The degree listed on my resume is not complete and I plan on completing it within the next 2 years.
The degree listed on my resume is not complete and I plan on completing it within the next 3+ years.
The degree listed on my resume is not complete, and I do not plan on completing it.
Years of experience implementing IT solutions *
Years of experience participating as a team member in all phases of the SDLC *
Years of experience participating in requirements gathering sessions *
Years of experience translating high-level business requirements into release plans and more detailed user stories *
Years of experience reviewing and defining workflows and business processes *
Years of experience creating data models from requirements *
Years of scripting experience using Groovy or Python *
Years of experience writing SQL queries *
Years of experience tuning SQL queries with complex business logic *
Years of experience reading and editing XML files *
Resume *
Optional: LinkedIn Profile
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